If you would like to find out more about joining Barnstaple History Group, why not come along to one of our monthly meetings and meet other members? If you would like to come to hear one of our speakers, but not join as a full member, there is a charge of £1.50.
Membership of Barnstaple History Group is a yearly membership subscription fee of £12. There is also a charge of £1 per meeting attended.
We have a different speaker each month, with topics covering all aspects and ages of local history.
Free tea and coffee is available at each meeting.
We have a selection of quality Barnstaple History Group items which can be purchased at our meetings.
Enameled pin badges: £1 each
Polo Shirt: Size ~ Medium / Large / Ex Large. Colour ~ Heather. Price ~ £10.50.
Fleece Jacket: Size ~ Medium / Large / Ex Large / 2 Ex Large. Colour ~ Blue. Price £16.00